Monday, February 22, 2010

An Introduction

My name is Susan, and I'm (mostly) vegan. I'm also dirt poor. Food stamps poor. Waiting for Disability 'cause I'm gimped poor. And completely politically incorrect.

I first went vegan about 13 years ago. In the first year, I dropped around 100 pounds, and I continued to lose about 50 more. My ex-husband (the asshole) eventually bullied me away from veganism after seven years. That was six years and about 70 pounds ago. I'm now trying it again for the sake of my health. One big difference: I'm dead broke.

So. In a culture that promotes a healthy lifestyle primarily to the affluent, and in which veganism is associated with expensive soy foods and hippie-dippy sprouts, how the fuck do you eat vegan on the government's dime? Pretty easily, actually. You just have to get down to basics and make an effort to actually cook. (Cooking while you're gimped and on chemo? There's the challenge.)

What this blog is: how to keep to a vegan (or vegetarian, or just healthy) diet on next to no cash, and (hopefully) yummy recipes that I've assembled in my kitchen à la Frankenstein's monster.

What this blog is not: a soapbox to damn anyone who dares wear leather shoes. (This blog is also not affiliated in any way with a MySpace group of a similar name. I only use MySpace to listen to music I can't afford to buy.)

What goes into my mouth is my business. What goes into yours is yours. These are just suggestions and recipes. And the occasional political incorrectness.


  1. What, no "wasband"? For shame, Seward.

  2. I can switch to wasband! I almost said it first time.

  3. Hey hoar, when are we getting more recipes?
